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Take the guesswork out of building your blog.

Are you experiencing these?

You’re feeling overwhelmed with blogging that you don't know where to begin or how to even create your dream blog.

You then feel frustrated and stuck like you're going around in circles and nothing is going the way you want it to.

You want the freedom of time and money that you see from all successful bloggers but have no idea if your blog can make money or even how to approach blogging.

You keep putting off starting or working on your blog because it just makes you confused and overwhelmed.  

But imagine what it would be like to have your dream blog

Imagine having that dream blog you've always wanted writing about the things you love and make you happy.

Imagine what it would feel like to make money from something you love?

Imagine all the things you’ll buy and do with the money that you’ll start earning with your blog. 

Not only that, but think of the opportunities that blogging can open for you like working with your favourite brands or maybe even landing a dream collaboration!

Aren't you excited to imagine that future??

Now I dare you to TAKE ACTION to make your dream blog a reality. Because dreams can only become a reality when you take action!

The How to Build a Money-Making Blog (Your Creative Business) will show you how to set up a blog strategically so that you can start earning money

You'll learn the elements of a money-making blog so that you can approach blogging with MORE CLARITY and LESS OVERWHELM.

What you get:

  • 15+ lessons that contain the elements of a profitable blog
  • Blogging Business Plan workbook to apply what you learn 
  • A list of tools you need to help you build a money-making blog
  • Learn the 7 different ways you can start monetising your blog
  • Ultimate blog post formula so that you never forget what to include in a blog post again
  • Blogging Tasks Timeline on how to prioritise your tasks from set up to launch
  • Step-by-step guide on how to set up a self-hosted WordPress blog

What students have said about the course

Artboard 1

"I have been looking and looking for a class on this and this class is perfect! The content and lessons are great. The workbook is helpful. The pace is not too fast or too slow. THANK YOU!"

Artboard 1

"Thank you so much! I have been thinking about launching a blog to talk about the power of colour to have a happy home and show video of colourful DIY projects. Your tips and explanations helped me to figure out what was my ideal community and build my content strategy. Thank you again. Your classes are well structured and give a realistic representation of the different steps to follow!"

Artboard 1

“Thanks so much for making this course so clear, concise, and easy to follow! I have been putting off pursuing creating a blog for such a long time because I was afraid it would be complicated. I decided to check out your course and you really gave me clarity and now I feel ready!!”

Hi I'm Izzy Matias

I help content creators start a blog and build it into a creative business.

When I started, I had no clue how to set up a Wordpress blog and how it could even be profitable. 

Now I'm a full time content creator, author and blogger.

A Screenshot of Money Earned From My Blog

*Names removed for confidentiality purposes

BONUSES worth $147

WordPress Basics Masterclass (worth $100)

A video walk-through on how to navigate the WordPress platform. Learn how to install themes, plugins, set up menus as well as how to prevent spam comments and incorporate SEO friendly practices so that you get a better understanding of how to use your WordPress blog.

Blogging Business Plan Workbook (worth $47)

A hybrid workbook that includes eBook lesson-style sections of the video lessons in the course as well as the worksheet area to apply what you learn right away.



-15+ video lessons valued at $500

- the Blogging Business Plan Workbook valued at $47 

- WordPress Basics Masterclass valued at $100 

- access to future updates

You get all these for only $49!

So are you ready to build your dream blog for only $49?


By purchasing this product, you are also agreeing to subscribe to Izzy Matias' newsletter where you will get updates on your purchased product as well as her blog updates and general newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Ready to invest in your dream blog?

One-time purchase
